Realm Research Grinder Builds (2024)

An old saying goes – money does not buy happiness – on many occasions it can turn out to be true. But if your intention is to build an immense empire without capital, you will not get anywhere. This is the main lesson that games like Realm Grinder Research leave us that will give you the opportunity to become, at least for a short period of time, the founder of your own empire where you will need the builds of Realm Grinder Research that HDGamers brings you this time.

The only problem with this is that you must learn which buildings are vital to the establishment of solid foundations and the consolidation of your kingdom. Fortunately for you, we set out to devise a plan that will allow you to create a nation as powerful as your own imagination allows.

What are Realm Grinder Research builds?

Unlike the latest builds that HDGamers has recently brought, when we talk about the builds of Realm Grinder Research will not touch on how to upload a character or anything like that.

This is because in this game you should not raise any heroes or fighters. All you need to do is learn which buildings to create to get the most out of your region’s resources. The problem with all this is that, with the passage of time and the various updates that the game has undergone, there is a huge variety of buildings to choose from.

In addition, these will depend on certain aspects that we will touch on later. For now, just begin to understand that when we talk about Realm Grinder Research builds we refer to the most efficient building constructions to generate income for your management.

What are the basics of Realm Grinder Research builds?

If you are one of the lovers of construction and strategy video games such as Civilization or Age of Empirer, Realm Grinder Research will be one of your favorites quickly. More when you manage to understand some concepts that make it really unique.

Therefore, we will show you which are the most important ideas with which you can better plan your empire.


This first concept is basically the basis of the game. He is the one who defines how long it will take for your building to generate income for the coffers of your nation.


The other vital element for understanding Realm Grinder Research builds is faction. This is about the alliances that you generate as a representative that will allow you to optimize all the productive processes of your entire monetary system. To do this, you can choose between the following alternatives.

What are the factions of Realm Grinder Research?

  • Fairies.
  • Elves.
  • Angeles.
  • Goblins.
  • Undead.
  • Demons.
  • Titans.
  • Druids.
  • Anonymous.
  • Dragon.
  • Midget

Once you understand these little concepts, we can move on to the most important thing, which are the phases of the game. This is where we will see the importance of Realm Grinder Research builds.

Realm Research Grinder Builds (1)

Realm Grinder Research Builds: Opening the game

As the name implies, this is the first phase of the game. This is where the builds of Realm Grinder Research do not vary too much since you must build the so-called universal buildings.

This means that they are the basis of the game. Therefore, in order to advance to what really concerns us this time, we must learn what they are and what they will contribute to the creation of our empire.



  • 1.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 10.

Base production of the building

  • 2.



  • 2.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 125.

Base production of the building

  • 6.



  • 3.

Nature of lfavorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 600.

Base production of the building

  • 20.

Warrior Barracks


  • 4.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 1800.

Base production of the building

  • 65.

Slave pen


  • 4.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 1800.

Base production of the building

  • 65.

Deep Mine


  • 4.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 1800.

Base production of the building

  • 65.

Knights Jousts


  • 5.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 5600.

Base production of the building

  • 200.

Orcish Arena


  • 5.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 5600.

Base production of the building

  • 200.

Stone pillars


  • 5.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 5600.

Base production of the building

  • 200.

Torre del Mago


  • 6.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 38 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 650.

Witch Conclave


  • 6.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 38 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 650.

Alchemists Laboratory


  • 6.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 38 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 650.



  • 7.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 442 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 2 thousand.

Black Temple


  • 7.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 442 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 2 thousand.



  • 7.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 442 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 2 thousand.



  • 8.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 7 million 300 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 8,500.



  • 8.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 7 million 300 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 8,500.



  • 8.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 7 million 300 thousand.

Base production of the building

  • 8,500.

Royal Castle


  • 9.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 145 million.

Base production of the building

  • 100 thousand.

Fortress of Evil


  • 9.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 145 million.

Base production of the building

  • 100 thousand.

Iron Fortress


  • 9.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 145 million.

Base production of the building

  • 100 thousand.

Heaven’s Gate


  • 10.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Good.

Base cost of production

  • 3.2 billion.

Base production of the building

  • 1 million 200 thousand.

Portal of Hell


  • 10.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Malignant.

Base cost of production

  • 3.2 billion.

Base production of the building

  • 1 million 200 thousand.

Ancient Pyramid


  • 10.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • Neutral.

Base cost of production

  • 3.2 billion.

Base production of the building

  • 1 million 200 thousand.

Hall of Legends


  • 11.

Nature of the favorable faction

  • None.

Base cost of production

  • 200 billion.

Base production of the building

  • 250 thousand per trophy won.

Realm Research Grinder Builds (2)

Realm Grinder Research builds for early game

After knowing what are the buildings you need to establish the foundations of your empire. It is time to move on to the next phase of the game.

Next, we leave you the best builds of Realm Grinder Research to acquire the knowledge and resources necessary to obtain all the titles in this phase.


Base range of the building

  • E70.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 minutes.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S30, S105, S135, C10, C80, C105, C120, D55, D135, E30, E50, E80, E135, A30, A105, A120, A135, W120, W135.


  • Sorcery:
    • 1, 30, 105, 135.
  • Craft :
    • 10, 80, 105, 120.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 135.
  • Economy:
    • 30, 50, 80, 135.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 135.
  • War:
    • 120, 135.


Base range of the building

  • e70.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Timeor execution

  • From 5 to 25 minutes.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S30, S105, S135, C10, C80, C120, C150, D55, D135, D150, E50, E135, E145, E150, A30, A105, A120, A135, A150, W120, W135, W150. < / li>


  • Spell:
    • 1, 30, 105, 135.
  • Craft :
    • 10, 80, 120, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 135, 150.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • War:
    • 120, 135, 150.


Base range of the building

  • e70.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 minutes.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S30, S105, S135, S180, C10, C80, C120, C135, C150, D55, D135, D150, E50, E135, E145, E150, A30, A105, A120, A135, A150, W120, W135, W150, W180.


  • Spell:
    • 30, 105, 135, 180.
  • Craft :
    • 10, 80, 120, 135, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 135, 150.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • War:
    • 120, 135, 150, 180.


Base range of the building

  • e70.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 minutes.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S30, S105, S135, S180, C10, C80, C120, C135, C150, D55, D135, D150, D200, D205, E50, E135, E145, E150, E200, A30, A105, A120, A135, A150, W120, W135, W150, W180, W200.


  • Spell:
    • 1, 30, 105, 135, 180.
  • Craft :
    • 10, 80, 120, 135, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 135, 150, 200, 205.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150, 200.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • War:
    • 120, 135, 150, 180, 200.


Base range of the building

  • 1e69.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S30, S105, S135, S180, C10, C80, C105, C120, C150, D55, D135, D150, D200, D225, E50, E135, E145, E150, E200, A30, A105, A120, A135, A150, W120, W135, W150, W180, W200.


  • Spell:
    • 1, 30, 105, 135, 180.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 10, 80, 105, 120, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 135, 150, 200, 225.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150, 200.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • War:
    • 120, 135, 150, 180, 200.


Base range of the building

  • 1e75 to 1e90.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 10 to 15 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S105, S135, S180, S215, C80, C105, C120, C135, C150, D55, D135, D200, D205, D225, E50, E135, E145, E150, E200, A30, A105, A120, A135, A150, W120, W135, W150, W180, W200.


  • Spell:
    • 1, 105, 135, 180, 215.
  • Craft :
    • 80, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 135, 200, 205, 225.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150, 200.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • War:
    • 120, 135, 150, 180, 200.


Base range of the building

  • 1e77 to 1e96.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 10 to 15 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S105, S135, S180, S215, C80, C105, C120, C135, C150, D55, D135, D200, D225, D245, E50, E135, E145, E150, E200, A30, A105, A120, A150, A250, W120, W135, W150, W180, W250.


  • Spell:
    • 1, 105, 135, 180, 215.
  • Craft :
    • 80, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 135, 200, 225, 245.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150, 200.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 150, 250.
  • War:
    • 120, 135, 150, 180, 250.


Base range of the building

  • 1e77 to 1e99.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 15 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S105, S135, S180, S215, C80, C105, C120, C135, C150, D55, D200, D225, D245, D250, E50, E135, E145, E150, E200, A30, A105, A120, A150, A250, W135, W150, W180, W250, W290.


  • Spell:
    • 1, 105, 135, 180, 215.
  • Craft :
    • 80, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 200, 225, 245, 250.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150, 200.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 150, 250.
  • War:
    • 135, 150, 180, 250, 290.


Base range of the building

  • 1e75 to 1e102.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S1, S105, S135, S180, S215, C80, C105, C120, C135, C150, D55, D200, D225, D245, D320, E50, E135, E145, E150, E200, A30, A105, A120, A150, A250, W135, W150, W180, W250, W290.


  • Spell:
    • 1, 105, 135, 180, 215.
  • Craft :
    • 80, 105, 120, 135, 150.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 200, 225, 245, 320.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 145, 150, 200.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 150, 250.
  • War:
    • 135, 150, 180, 250, 290.


Base range of the building

  • 1e75 to 1e105.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Execution time </ strong>

  • From 5 to 15 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S105, S135, S180, S215, S330, C80, C105, C120, C150, C330, D55, D200, D225, D245, D320, E50, E135, E150, E320, E330, A30, A105, A120, A150, A330, W150, W180, W290, W320, W330.


  • Spell:
    • 105, 135, 180, 215, 330.
  • Craft :
    • 80, 105, 120, 150, 330.
  • Guess:
    • 55, 200, 225, 245, 320.
  • Economics:
    • 50, 135, 150, 320, 330.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 150, 330.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 330.

R27: 1

Base range of the building

  • 1e75 to 1e93.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S135, S180, S215, S330, C80, C105, C120, C150, C330, D55, D200, D225, D245, D320, E50, E135, E150, E320, E330, A30, A105, A120, A150, A330, W150, W180, W290, W320, W330.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 135, 180, 215, 330.
  • Craft :
    • 80, 105, 120, 150, 330.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 200, 225, 245, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 50, 135, 150, 320, 330.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 150, 330.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 330.

R28-29: 1

Base range of the building

  • 1e75 to 1e93.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.


  • From 5 to 25 min.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S135, S180, S215, S330, C80, C120, C150, C330, C400, D55, D200, D225, D245, D320, E50, E135, E150, E320, E330, A30, A105, A120, A330, A400, W150, W180, W290, W320, W330.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 135, 180, 215, 330.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 80, 120, 150, 330, 400.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 200, 225, 245, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 50, 135, 150, 320, 330.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 330.

Realm Research Grinder Builds (3)

Realm Grinder Research builds for mid-game.

When you manage to overcome the obstacles of the previous phase and get the most resources out of it, it is time to continue evolving.

It should be noted that this instance will provide you with a series of resources that will allow you to access more advanced buildings. Therefore, in this third stage we will show what are the Realm Grinder Research builds that you need to overcome it.

  • GG2 / LS2

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Ancient device artifact.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S150, S250, S270, S330, S500, C150, C251, C330, C340, C375, C400, D55, D200, D290, D320, D350, E135, E145, E275, E400, E460, A105, A120, A250, A330, A400, W150, W180, W290, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 150, 250, 270, 330, 500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 251, 330, 340, 375, 400.
  • Divine: </ strong>
    • 55, 200, 290, 320, 350.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 400, 460.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 250, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 330, 400.

Druidline Goblin

Base range of the building

  • 1e30.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Favorable Factions

  • Goblin.
  • Drow.

Recommended Faction

  • Goblin.


  • S50, S215, S305, S330, S400, C120, C135, C150, C340, C400, D55, D200, D245, D320, D400, E30, E80, E135, E145, E225, E400, A10, A105, A120, A150, A400, W25, W180, W205, W400, W405, W520, W525.


  • Sorcery:
    • 50, 215, 305, 330, 400.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 120, 135, 150, 340, 400.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 200, 245, 320, 400.
  • Economy:
    • 30, 80, 135, 145, 225, 400.
  • Alchemy:
    • 10, 105, 120, 150, 400.
  • War:
    • 25, 180, 205, 400, 405, 520, 525.

Dragon Stage 3

Base range of the building

  • e31.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Horn of the Kings artifact.


  • 1 day.

Favorable Factions

  • Fairy.
  • Dwarf.

Recommended Faction

  • Fairy.


  • S180, S250, S330, S400, S545, S590, C10, C80, C150, C330, C340, C400, C405, D55, D200, D245, D290, D320, E50, E135, E145, E330, E400, A30, A105, A120, A150, A250, W150, W180, W290, W320, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 180, 250, 330, 400, 545, 590.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 10, 80, 150, 330, 340, 400, 405.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 200, 245, 290, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 50, 135, 145, 330, 400.
  • Alchemy:
    • 30, 105, 120, 150, 250.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 400.

Dragon Stage 4

Base range of the building

  • 1e31.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Horn of the Kings artifact.


  • 10 hours.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S150, S215, S270, S330, S400, C150, C251, C330, C340, C375, C400, D55, D200, D245, D290, D320, E 135, E145, E275, E320, E460, A105, A120, A150, A250, A400, W150, W180, W290, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 150, 215, 270, 330, 400.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 251, 330, 340, 375, 400.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 200, 245, 290, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 320, 460.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 150, 250, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 330, 400.

Titan Starter

Base range of the building

  • 0 to 1e33.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Ancient device artifact.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S150, S270, S330, S500, C150, C250, C330, C340, C375, C400, D55, D150, D200, D245, D320, E135, E145, E275, E320, E330, A105, A120, A250, A305, A400, W150, W180, W290, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 150, 270, 330, 500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 330, 340, 375, 400.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 150, 200, 245, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 320, 330.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 250, 305, 400.
  • Guerr.a:
    • 150, 180, 290, 320, 330, 400.

Druidline Faceless

Base range of the building

  • 1e33.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Dragon Challege 3

Favorable Factions

  • Faceless.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Faceless.


  • S215, S270, S305, S330, S1450, S1500, C250, C340, C400, C1300, C1325, D245, D260, D320, D1125, D1275, D1375, E135, E145, E460, E1225, E1425, A105, A120, A300, A305, A400, W180, W275, W290, W400, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 215, 270, 305, 330, 1450, 1500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 250, 340, 400, 1300, 1325.
  • Divine:
    • 245, 260, 320, 1125, 1275, 1375.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 460, 1225, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 300, 305, 400.
  • War:
    • 180, 275, 290, 400, 1375.

Without a face without death

Base range of the building

  • 1e58 (1 No) to 1e80 (100 QiVg) Gems.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Ancient Device Artifact, Undead Brood level 5+.

Favorable Factions

  • Faceless.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Faceless.


  • S215, S270, S305, S330, S1450, S1500, C250, C340, C400, C1300, C1325, D245, D260, D320, D1125, D1275, D1375, E135, E145, E320, E1225, E1425, A105, A120, A150, A305, A400, W150, W180, W275, W400, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 215, 270, 305, 330, 1450, 1500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 250, 340, 400, 1300, 1325.
  • Divine:
    • 245, 260, 320, 1125, 1275, 1375.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 320, 1225, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 150, 305, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 275, 400, 1375.

Titan Starter

Base range of the building

  • 0 to 1e33.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Ancient device artifact.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan / Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S200, S270, S300, S330, S500, C150, C250, C330, C340, C400, C460, C500, D55, D150, D200, D245, D250, D320, E135, E145, E275, E320, E330, E400, A105, A120, A250, A305, A330, A400, W120, W150, W180, W260, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 200, 270, 300, 330, 500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 330, 340, 400, 460, 500.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 150, 200, 245, 250, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 320, 330, 400.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 250, 305, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 120, 150, 180, 260, 320, 330, 400.

Titanic Faceless

Base range of the building

  • 1e25 to 1e90 Gems.

Necessary requirementriver to access it

  • Ancient Device Artifact (higher spell levels required).

Favorable Factions

  • Faceless / Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Faceless.


  • S135, S215, S270, S305, S330, S1450, S1500, C150, C250, C340, C400, C1300, C1325, D55, D245, D260, D320, D1125, D1275, D1375, E135, E145, E350, E460, E460, E460, E1425, A105, A120, A150, A305, A330, A400, W150, W180, W275, W290, W400, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 135, 215, 270, 305, 330, 1450, 1500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 340, 400, 1300, 1325.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 245, 260, 320, 1125, 1275, 1375.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 350, 460, 460, 460, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 150, 305, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 275, 290, 400, 1375.

Realm Research Grinder Builds (4)

Endgame Realm Grinder Research builds

If you managed to establish yourself at the top of Realm Grinder Research with the buildings that we present to you so far, do not neglect.

Now you will have to face the most difficult instances where the survival of your nation will be at stake every minute. To do this, HDGamers brings you the best builds of Realm Grinder Research to reach the end of this story successfully.

Druid Titans

Base range of the building

  • 0 to 1e33 (1 Dc) Gems.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Ancient device artifact.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S200, S270, S300, S330, S500, C150, C250, C330, C340, C400, C460, C500, D55, D150, D200, D245, D250, D320, E135, E145, E275, E320, E330, E400, A105, A120, A250, A305, A330, A400, W120, W150, W180, W260, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 200, 270, 300, 330, 500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 330, 340, 400, 460, 500.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 150, 200, 245, 250, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 320, 330, 400.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 250, 305, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 120, 150, 180, 260, 320, 330, 400.

Demonline Titans

Base range of the building

  • 0 to 1e33 (1 Dc) Gems.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Demon Lineage Level 25+, Demon Perk 2 NOT required.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S200, S270, S300, S330, S500, C150, C250, C330, C340, C400, C460, C500, D55, D150, D200, D245, D250, D320, E135, E145, E275, E320, E330, E400, A105, A120, A250, A305, A330, A400, W120, W150, W180, W260, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 200, 270, 300, 330, 500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 330, 340, 400, 460, 500.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 150, 200, 245, 250, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 320, 330, 400.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 250, 305, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 120, 150, 180, 260, 320, 330, 400.

Undeadline Faceless

Base range of the building

  • 1e30 (1 No) gems to 1e90 (1 NoVg) gems.
  • 1e92 (100 NoVg) gems (with UL20).

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Ancient device artifact. </ li>

Favorable Factions

  • Faceless.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Faceless.


  • S135, S215, S270, S305, S330, S1450, S1500, C150, C250, C340, C400, C1300, C1325, D55, D245, D260, D320, D1125, D1275, D1275, D1275, D1275, D1375, E135, E145, E320, E350, E1225, E1425, A105, A120, A150, A305, A330, A400, W150, W180, W275, W290, W400, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 135, 215, 270, 305, 330, 1450, 1500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 340, 400, 1300, 1325.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 245, 260, 320, 1125, 1275, 1375.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 320, 350, 1225, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 150, 305, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 275, 290, 400, 1375.

Demonlina Titans

Base range of the building

  • 0 to 1e33 (1 Dc) Gems.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Demon Lineage level 25+.

Favorable Factions

  • Titan.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Titan.


  • S105, S200, S270, S300, S330, S500, C150, C250, C330, C340, C400, C460, C500, D55, D150, D200, D245, D250, D320, E135, E145, E275, E320, E330, E400, A105, A120, A250, A305, A330, A400, W120, W150, W180, W260, W320, W330, W400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 105, 200, 270, 300, 330, 500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 150, 250, 330, 340, 400, 460, 500.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 150, 200, 245, 250, 320.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 275, 320, 330, 400.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 250, 305, 330, 400.
  • War:
    • 120, 150, 180, 260, 320, 330, 400.

Elfline Faceless

Base range of the building

  • 1e30 (1 No) to 1e90.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • Elf bloodline level 30+.

Favorable Factions

  • Faceless.
  • Dragon.

Recommended Faction

  • Faceless.


  • S215, S250, S270, S305, S330, S1450, S1500, C250, C330, C340, C400, C1300, C1325, D55, D245, D260, D320, D1125, D1275, D1275, D1275, D1275, D1375, E135, E145, E350, E460, E1225, E1425, A105, A120, A150, A250, A305, A400, W150, W180, W275, W400, W1375, W1400.


  • Sorcery:
    • 215, 250, 270, 305, 330, 1450, 1500.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 250, 330, 340, 400, 1300, 1325.
  • Divine:
    • 55, 245, 260, 320, 1125, 1275, 1375.
  • Economy:
    • 135, 145, 350, 460, 1225, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 105, 120, 150, 250, 305, 400.
  • War:
    • 150, 180, 275, 400, 1375, 1400.

Druids Druids

Base range of the building

  • 0 to 1e27.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Favorable Factions

  • Druid.

Recommended Faction

  • Druid.


  • S3200, C300, C340, D150, D275, E260, E1425, A250, A251, A375, W350, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 3200.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 300, 340.
  • Divine:
    • 150, 275.
  • Economy:
    • 260, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 250, 251, 375.
  • War:
    • 350, 1375.

Undead Druids

Base range of the building

  • 1e32

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Favorable Factions

  • Druid.

Recommended Faction

  • Druid.


  • S3200, C300, C400, D150, D275, E260, E1425, A251, A375, A400, W350, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 3200.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 300, 400.
  • Divine:
    • 150, 275.
  • Economy:
    • 260, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 251, 375, 400.
  • War:
    • 350, 1375.

Druidline without a face

Base range of the building

  • Increase the HoL and bonus gems to abdicate faster.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Favorable Factions

  • Faceless.

Recommended Faction

  • Faceless.


  • S251, S330, S375, C340, D260, D1275, E350, E1425, A300, A3400, W275, W1275.


  • Spellcraft:
    • 251, 330, 375.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 340.
  • Divine:
    • 260, 1275.
  • Economy:
    • 350, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 300, 3400.
  • War:
    • 275, 1275.

Dragonline Druids

Base range of the building

  • 1e38 (100 Ud) gems to 1e43 (10 Td) gems.

Necessary requirement to access it

  • None.

Favorable Factions

  • Druid.

Recommended Faction

  • Druid.


  • S3200, C300, C400, D245, D275, E260, E1425, A251, A375, A400, W350, W1375.


  • Sorcery:
    • 3200.
  • Craftsmanship:
    • 300, 400.
  • Divine:
    • 245, 275.
  • Economy:
    • 260, 1425.
  • Alchemy:
    • 251, 375, 400.
  • War:
    • 350, 1375.

Latest recommendations on Realm Grinder Research builds

It should be noted that the ultimate goal of all the Realm Grinder Research builds that we have presented to you is to acquire as many resources as possible. In this way, you will be able to unlock trophies and titles that will allow you to access more powerful specific buildings.

Before you finish, remember to visit some of our most read articles:

  • Hots Killer Builds
  • Hots Support Builds
  • Pillars of Eternity 2 Builds
  • Hots Builds
  • Hots Killer Builds

We hope you have enjoyed this post and that you found the information you were looking for. If you think that we should update any information about Realm Grinder Research Builds or that we have made a mistake, do not hesitate to write to us!

Realm Research Grinder Builds (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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